January, 2021

Winter Artsemester
2021 at UMPRUM

Artsemester is one of the most popular student art exhibitions held in Czech Republic, where UMPRUM students present their klauzura and semester projects.

If we look back this winter semester, we hear a lot of messages from videoconferences, like "Can you hear me?" or "My camera's not working!" They move online from person to person and vividly describe the new conditions of our communication. I tried to visualize these messages from the network by relying on the visual experience of Cyberpunk 2077. To tell anout the event, the graphics in the foreground use UI elements.

The event was supposed to take place offline, so the layout of the poster was designed for print media.

But then, because of the strengthening of the lockdown in Prague, it was decided to hold Artsemster online, which required motion teasers for IG & FB.
