June 2021. Vision

Traces. One-click access to the Digital Footprint

Traces is an AI open-source platform that enables one-click access to a digital footprint. Every person who uses the internet leaves a significant digital trace during their lifetime. This footprint is collected by big tech companies in the form of data, which they then could sell as targeted advertising. Since it is impossible to be anonymous on the internet nowadays, each of us who uses this network keeps a detailed diary of human lives.

This includes messenger communications, voicemails, emails, photos, videos, taste in music, etc. With such a wide range of information gathered with AI comes a unique opportunity to own your digital identity.

In 50 years, the number of dead people on the Internet will exceed the number of living people. An incredible number of similar "dead" profiles are collected on the tech giant's servers. They can either delete it or start profiting from it shortly. Traces solves this problem and allows you to access and manage all your data.

Developing process


After comprehending the technological basics of the idea, I began to create personas. The truly different stories are united by a common need to access their private data.

User flow

Based on the experience I got from creating personas I made a user flow. The most complex part was the process of designing the image indexing steps based on facial recognition. Such algorithms are not completely legitimate, even if you are looking for personal information. The process of collecting your data from different services seems even more complicated. Somewhere you have to contact user support for this. In another service, there may exist a user flow for this.

User experience


I created a 3D scene in Cinema 4D. The text "Meet Traces" comes smoothly from the surface of the blue color. Then a symbolic magnifying lens runs horizontally. Zooms the inscription and creates pretty cool refractions.

HTML prototype

To present this vision I made a prototype in Webflow, with a step-by-step walkthrough of the user's journey.
